Picture of my face

Hello! My name is Joseph Cannon. I've spent rouhgly blank years taking professional pictures and have done many works for other people. With this website, you can see my previous works, view my résumé, or get in contact with me.

How I got here?

Photography has always played a big role in my life growing up. When I was in the first grade, I got my hands on my first camera. Dispite my parents being furious at all their photos being deleted, I was immediately draw in to the magic of it. I would run around my house setting up shots with a combonation of chairs blankets and stuffed animals. With years of this on an old sony digital camera, my parents finally got me a new Nikon DSLR. From that point onward, I've always been taking pictures, wether it be for a friend or family, I've always taken up the opportunity to take someones picture.

View my portfolio!

I have provided a select few of the photographs that I have take you you to view as you please. Click HERE to navigate to my portfolio page.

Get in contact with me!

I do photography commission for any occasion. If you would like to get in contact with me and set up an appointment, click HERE.

View my résumé

If you would like to take a look at my résumé to see my qualifications, click HERE. The download link is located at the top of the page.